Organisations involved in designing and financing road infrastructure are pledging ​their commitment for safer roads, and supporting the Sustainable Development Goals ​(SDGs) to save lives!

Make your voice heard!

In support of the UN SDG Goal to halve road deaths and injuries by 2030 and the Global Plan

for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 make the following commitments:

We/I ...

Role of all

Stand for safer roads that enable more sustainable mobility and commit our support for achieving the ​road safety SDGs and the 12 UN Global Road Safety Performance Targets.

Role of government, private sector and funders

In support of UN Target 3, commit to including Road Safety Audits, Inspections and Star Rating ​Assessments for new and improved road designs that aim for at least a standard of three-stars or better ​for all road users by 2030.

Role of government, private-sector road owners and funders

In support of UN Target 4, commit to undertaking crash-risk mapping and proactive safety assessments ​and inspections that target investment in safer infrastructure and safer speeds that aim for more than 75% ​of travel on existing roads to meet at least a standard of three-stars or better for all road users (or ​equivalent) by 2030.

Or write your own ...


107 Pledges - 52 Countries

Initiating Partners:

Supporting Partners:

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Down Small
Round Thailand Flag

The following countries have published Strategies and Action Plans that align to UN Targets 3 and 4:

Australia round Flag


Circle flag vector of Malawi


National Brazil Flag


New Zealand round Flag

New Zealand

Cayman Islands Rounded Flag

Cayman Islands

flat circle shaped Illustration of Philippines flag


Round China Flag


Peru Rounded Flag


Croatia flag vector icon


Saudi Arabia Flag Circle

Saudi Arabia



Slovenia flag round shape 117


Georgia flag vector icon


tanzania Flag


flat circle shaped Illustration of Greece flag


thailand flag elipse


indonesia flag circle shape icon


Flag of Pakistan


flat circle shaped Illustration of Kenya flag




Round Laos Flag


united kingdom flag

United Kingdom

Round Flag of the Malaysia


Circular World Flag


The campaign

From 17-20 February 2025, leaders from across ​the world will gather at the 4th Global Ministerial ​Conference on Road Safety in Morocco to agree ​action on global road safety.

Leaders will assess the progress made in ​implementing the Global Plan for the Decade of ​Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 during its initial ​five-year period, and generate support for safe and ​sustainable mobility. Success in achieving the ​global target of a 50% reduction in deaths and ​injuries by 2030 hinges on strong action on safer ​roads.

During the Ministerial Conference, we will present ​leaders with pledges made in this campaign, giving ​you a voice in global road safety.

What is it all about?

More than 3,200 people are killed in road crashes every day. Road ​crashes are the leading cause of death for young people.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. More than 130,000 people suffer ​injuries every day, including severe brain injury, quadriplegia, fractures, ​internal injuries and burns. Road crashes often result in life-long ​suffering and disability, and place a huge toll on families and ​communities.

Less than half of roads assessed worldwide by iRAP Partners are rated

3-stars or more (out of 5 stars) for safety.

A 3-star rating is widely accepted as the minimum acceptable rating for ​new and old roads. Assessments performed by partners using the iRAP ​tools show that only 17% of roads meet a 3-star or higher rating for ​pedestrians; 23% for cyclists; 29% for powered two- and three- ​wheelers; and 49% for vehicle occupants.

Road infrastructure safety treatments save lives and prevent injuries.

Photo ID 22509522 © FernandoPodolski | iStock

Proven treatments such as traffic calming, safety barriers, bicycle ​paths, pedestrian sidewalks and crossings can have a profound effect ​on the safety of a road environment.

Johns Hopkins University research estimates that almost 700,000 ​fatalities and serious injuries have been prevented in safer road projects ​from 2016 to the end of 2024 that used the iRAP tools.

Take a look at life-saving case studies from around the world.

Safe roads can transform mobility and are cost-effective.

Safe road environments are conducive to sustainable forms of transport; ​when people feel that an environment is safe they are more likely to feel ​comfortable walking and cycling.

Evidence shows that ​lifting the Star Rating by a single ​star can halve ​crash costs. For every $1 invested in achieving the targets set out in the ​UN Global Plan for Road Safety, more than $8 in crash costs would be ​avoided.

Photo ID 1279831403 © deberarr| iStock

The UN Global Plan for Road Safety and UN Targets 3 and 4.

The UN Global Plan supports the Decade of Action for Road Safety ​2021-30 and the SDG aim of halving deaths and injuries by 2030. It was ​created by the WHO, UN Regional Commissions and partners in the UN ​Road Safety Collaboration.

The UN Global Plan’s road safety performance targets include:

  • UN Target 3: By 2030, all new roads achieve technical standards for ​all road users that take into account road safety, or meet a three star ​rating or better.

  • UN Target 4: By 2030, more than 75% of travel on existing roads is ​on roads that meet technical standards for all road users that take ​into account road safety [e.g. three star rating or better].

The UN Global Plan recommends that countries make use of Road ​Safety Audits and Star Ratings to improve the safety of roads and ​designs.

What are Star Ratings?

5 star rating icon

Star Ratings have been adopted ​by UN Member States as the ​global standard for measuring the ​level of safety ‘built in’ to the ​design of a road for pedestrians, ​bicyclists, motorcyclists and ​pedestrians. A Star Rating can be ​produced for a​ location in as little ​as 10 minutes using the freely ​available Star Rating ​Demonstrator or using the ​comprehensive fit-for-purpose ​iRAP Tools.

What are Road Safety ​Audits?

Cybersecurity Audit Icon

A Road Safety Audit (RSA) is the ​formal safety performance ​examination of an existing road or ​design or intersection by an ​independent, multidisciplinary ​team. It qualitatively estimates ​and reports on potential road ​safety issues and identifies ​opportunities for improvements in ​safety for all road users.

Putting Road Safety Audits ​and Star Ratings together...

Hands Putting Puzzle Together

Star Ratings and RSAs represent ​different, yet complementary, ​approaches to road infrastructure ​safety management. By ​combining the two, the potential ​of each approach can be ​amplified to prevent deaths and ​injuries.

What else can I do?

As a planner, designer, builder or financier of roads:

For all:

  • Share and encourage support for the call to action in your ​networks. Encourage your and other organisations to ​make a pledge.
  • An online pledge is sufficient, but if you need more ​formal documentation to share with management, ​download the ‘Pledge for Safer Roads and Mobility – ​Commitment Briefing Document’ which can also be ​signed.
  • Celebrate your pledge!
    • Submit your organisation’s logo for inclusion as a ​Supporting Partner.
    • Host a Pledge Signing Event to celebrate your ​commitment and build shared passion and purpose ​within your organisation and networks.
    • Download the Campaign Toolkit for event ideas, the ​pledge photo board, and social media content and ​assets, which can be used to celebrate and amplify ​your pledge.
  • See case studies of success.
  • For road safety data and dashboards to support your ​work with evidence:
  • See the strategies or action plans of countries that have ​aligned with the Global Plan for safer roads.

As a road safety advocate:

Photo ID 73385465 © Alf Ribeiro | Dreamstime.com



August 2024

Global Campaign launch

Rocket Ship Launch

14-17 October

IRF World Congress, Istanbul, Türkiye


17-20 February 2025

4th Global Ministerial Conference on ​Road Safety, Marrakech, Morocco

Commitment Ceremony celebrating ​individuals and companies who have ​pledged to do road safety audits ​and star ​ratings for every road design, with the ​goal to achieve 3-stars or better for every ​road user by 2030.

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Take the pledge for ​safer roads

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